*This is a few of the packages we offer, Please call for prices and availability & we can put a package together with exactly what you need*
For more deals, Click Here Smith's Tractor Package!
6 Year Warranty on all tractors below 75HP
Smiths Enterprise has purchased a large supply of LS aged inventory tractors. The warranties vary from 3-6 yrs, depending on hours, call for details. All are in good condition We will service them and have them ready to work when picked up.
Check out these deals and call us at 910-567-2680
*All Tractors have FREE Quick Attach Loaders*
*Better Products @ BEST Price* *Limited Supply, Call for Availability*
Add a dual cylinder Grapple on most Tractors.
Get 10 % off any Trailer or Equipment with the purchase of a Tractor Discounts include PTO and Home Generators
We suggest adding Nitrogen to all Trailer tires call for a price. Ballast for the rear tires of the tractors runs $100 for both rear tires on tractors up to 29HP, $150 for tractors over 30HP. If your sales man doesn’t mention this I suggest you ask about it. Nitrogen makes the trailers tires run cooler and Ballast gives counter weight to the loader
XR 4140 LS 35HP 4x4 w/ Trailer
Grapple, Skid Steer Quick Attach Loader
6' cutter & 6' Blade
20' Metal Floor Dual Axle Trailer
with Brake Box, Lights, & Ramp
XR 4140 with Grapple LS 35 Hp
MT 122 22HP 4x4 the tractor has a 6 Year Warranty, Tractor and Loader Tractor, Loader, Backhoe & Box Blade , for additional cost:
20’ Trailer; Tractor, loader and Belly Mower ; Tractor, Loader, Backhoe and Belly Mower; 20’ dual axle trailer
Trailer is 20’ & has dual axles, brakes, brake box, lights and slide in ramps.
New! T474 48HP 4x4 Stereo, A/C Heat rear remote and hydraulic helper on lift arms, Tractor loader and trailer =$ Call.
T474 48HP, with Loader additional for Trailer.
MT 125 Tractor loader backhoe trailer
T394 Tractor loader cutter
Trailblazer TB max 2 front cutters
MT 225, HST, 5’ Cutter, 5’ Blade, 18’ Trailer,
LS 25HP w/ Trailer
Quick Attach Loader
Rough Cutter & Blade
18' Dual Axle Trailer
New! MT 225E, 24.5HP, 4x4, 12x12 Synchro Shuttle Transmission, with Loader, 18’ Dual Axle Trailer, Cutter and Blade. Add backhoe/bucket for additional $. Call for thumb control pricing.
Mt 225E with loader, and backhoe
TYM T264 26 HP 4x4 HST Transmission with Skid Steer Loader Loader is 2 times stronger than Kubota 25 HP and lifts 16 inches higher. 5 foot Rough Cutter, 5 foot blade and 18 foot Dual axle trailer, with brake box.
TYM T 394 39 Hp Cabin Tractor 4x4 Skid Steer Quick Attach Loader 6 foot rough cutter 6 foot Blade 20 foot dual axle Trailer with Brakes Total Package Call for pricing Add $$ for HST Transmission.
T 394 Package
Enclosed Trailers
Sizes from 6' x 12'
to 8.5 x 20'
6'X12' Trailer
8.5'x20' Trailer with Ramp, LED lights
8" Wood Chipper
Runs on 20-50HP
Agriculture Machinery Corp.
8” Wood Chipper Hanmey WCL- 8
TYM 354 35HP 4x4
or TYM 394 39HP 4x4
Quick attach skid steer loader, 6' box blade, 20' metal-floor trailer, & 2 x 20' straps
TYM T394 Cab
Quick attach loader
Air Condition, Heat, Additional Cost for stereo, 20' metal floor trailer, 6' bush hog, 6' box blade, for dual cylinder grapple, Call for other implements.
TYM T 474 Tractor loader cutter
Add these implements with your deal at at 10% off. Call for pricing.
Heavy Duty Wood Chippers |
8" |
Hydraulic Wood Chipper |
8" PTO powered rotor & hydraulic feed hopper control fed for continous feed & chipping |
Bush Hog |
6' |
Skid Steer Bale Spears |
Post Hole Digger |
Skid Steer Pallet Forks |
Heavy Duty / 5000lb. Lift |
Middle Busters |
16" |
2 Row |
Light Duty Tiller |
TL-125 25HP |
TL-135 25HP |
Heavy Duty Tiller |
IGNE 150 HP 40-80 |
IGNE 180 HP 50-65 |
Boom Poles |
1K |
2K |
Finishing Mowers |
FMN150 5' |
FMN180 6' |
FMN210 7' |
HD Post Hole Digger |
6" or 9" auger |
12" auger |
Disc Harrows |
49" 12/16 |
65" Sealed Bearing - |
80" Sealed Bearing - |
Rough Cutter |
4' |
5' |
6' |
Side Cutter |
AM-80 3' |
AM-100 3' 6" |
Box Blades |
4' |
5' |
6' |
Finish Mowers |
5' |
6' |
7' |
Scrape Blades |
4' |
5' |
6' |
Landscape Rakes |
4' |
5' |
6' |
7' |
8' |
Land Levelers |
5' |
6' |
7' |
8' |
Gear Driven HD Slip Clutch Tillers |
36" |
48" |
58" |
60" |
66" |
72" |